There was once a day when Winnipeg was one of the most important cities in the development of Canada. With the lack of a major shipping route direct from East to West-and vice versa-in Canada, there was a need for a shipping method over land, and the railroad was prime for that. Based on Canada's geography, the railroad funnelled into and out of one city: Winnipeg. Winnipeg was once the hub of the country for rail travel.
Winnipeg is now primed to become a different type of hub, a Canadian football hub. The Canadian Football Leauge reluctantly admitted on Friday that it was aiming for Winnipeg to be the league's hub city if the league was to play. This is all pending deals between the players, Province of Manitoba, City of Winnipeg and the CFL. There is no certainty yet that the league is going to have their hub in Winnipeg or that they will play at all. This is a positive step for the league. Randy Ambrosie has finally done something to help us have hope for a CFL Season to happened in 2020. We have details of a return to play format and the best thing is we have a very good idea of where the games will be played.
With Winnipeg being the hub, there are some very positive, and very key, aspects that the CFL was needing in a hub city. They need to have a city in which players will not be risking getting infected with COVID-19 just to earn their livelihood. Players can't afford to go to a city where they could be infected. They have others to think about and don't want to bring it home with them. Their health is important to them, as it is for everyone, and to put that at risk by heading into a hot spot of COVID-19 should never be asked of anyone. This is also how these people get paid. Players, coaches, trainers, equipment managers, officials, head office personal, they all use this game, and league, to provide for their families. There are people who are questioning how they will provide for themselves, and for some of them, there are others to consider.
This league has a strong history, and if that history is to continue, they need a hub to host the league, to facilitate it to exist. Having a city to focus on will help the league to firm up details and to move forward with certainty about what is going to happen with the league and to reassure its players, coaches, staff, and most importantly fans about what the league is doing to ensure its longevity.
May the CFL move forward past this pandemic, and with the steps, they are starting to take, it is starting to look more so that that will happen.
La Cheeserie, Littles
Fight On, Sleepers