When Tuesday came last week, I had no story to write about in the world of football, but that changed later in the week, and this week, I'm looking back at the week that was. Let me also say that my aim with this blog is to give hot takes that make people discuss the world of football. Today, I'm going beyond the world of football and reaching to the world of sports as a whole, which has been brought to its knees.
The COIVD-19 Coronavirus has been running rampant around the world in the last few months originating in China. The main issue with this disease is that it has a two week incubation period and is only contagious during that time, meaning that someone could pass it on to someone else without knowing that they have it, and that it is spread by physical contact.
This has caused the limiting of the size of groups meeting. Naturally, sports fit into that category. Now, why is this problematic? Sports has been cancelled (essentially).
Sports is now gone. The thing that most people look for to release their anxiety, anger, frustration, or hardships of life, is now gone. The thing that, in my opinion, is the most unifying thing in the world, has been taken from us by COVID-19.
What am I doing during this time? I am finding ways to keep busy and analyze sports, but doing more of my other hobbies.
I encourage you all to take refuge in things other than sports. Find new hobbies, but please be safe everyone. This is serious, but let your common sense prevail.
La Cheeserie, Littles
Fight On, Sleepers